bee on flower


Plant for Pollinators


Did you know - more than 80 percent of the world's flowering plants need a pollinator to reproduce; and we need pollinators too, since most of our food comes from flowering plants. One out of every three bites of our food, including fruits, vegetables, chocolate, coffee, nuts, and spices, is created with the help of pollinators. Check out a few tips and tricks to keep the pollinators around and happy!

  • Habitat opportunities abound on every landscape – from window boxes to acres of farms to corporate campuses to utility and roadside corridors – every site can be habitat.
  • Utilize plants native to your area (or at the least, non-invasive for your area).
  • Know your soil type and select appropriate plant material.
  • Plant in clusters to create a 'target' for pollinators to find.
  • Plant for continuous bloom throughout the growing season from spring to fall.
  • Select a site that is removed from wind, has at least partial sun, and can provide water.
  • Allow material from dead branches and logs to remain as nesting sites; reduce mulch to allow patches of bare ground for ground-nesting bees to utilize; consider installing wood nesting blocks for wood-nesting natives.
